
Leader, entrepreneur, expert, team
when you want to develop / learn / strengthen / grow /
dare / understand / solve / choose / start /
end / energize / relax

Develop performance and thinking

Coaching boosts the concrete change

Develop leadership

Developing leadership empowers
to face the future challenges

Develop culture

Structures, practices, values and beliefs
are shaped to contribute to the selected goals

Develop competence

Well-planned and strategic recruiting
increases competence

Coaching is an effective tool for change. With powerful questions the coach leads the client to find the answers to his/her questions and the steps to accomplish his/her goals in practice.


M. Ed. / Psychologist / Team & Executive Coach / ICF Certified PCC Coach / EMCC Certified Senior Practitioner Coach/ Certified Virtual Team Coach / Certified Coaching Supervisor / Certified Mediator / Expert in Recruiting / Expert in developing, evaluating and facilitating change


Virtual Business Coach


Try coaching

In this video I will coach You to reach one of Your goals. Now You can try coaching yourself. I […]


Coaching changes brains

In this video I will explain You what coaching is all about, in what ways you can use it, why […]


ABC of Stress Control

This video teaches You a couple of practical and effective tools how to feel good, add energy to Your life […]